Aug 15Liked by Jodi Rose Crump

So well said. I wish I had something more profound to say. I've been the new kid myself at times in my life.

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It’s not all that fun, is it? 🩷

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No, but I've grown compassion for other enduring that

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Aug 15Liked by Jodi Rose Crump

Beautiful watercolor and congrats on getting invited back to play in an orchestra!!

I went to 9 different schools, 10 moves, and then homeless part of my senior year of high school. Luckily I had a car I could stay in until it broke down, then sofa surfed where I could with an occasional hotel until I graduated from high school. No college.

Moved a total of 37 times and owned 9 homes so far in my life.

I understand not fitting in all too well. As a matter of fact I’m working on a post about being the new kid in school and being teased in every school about my red hair. Different kids, same cruel jokes.

Life is interesting, isn’t it?!

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And thank you for the congratulations on the orchestra! I am so happy about this! 🎶🌻

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Oh wow, Lori. I am so sorry your journey has been so hard. Looks like you are a survivor !!!

Wow. Thank you for helping me feel a bit of community with you, about this.

I look forward to reading your post about being the new kid !

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Oh how I feel this in the depth of my soul!

I did have community with my family - that was the backbone behind everything. We had moved 10 times by the time I was 10. I lived in an orphanage for a while *with* my parents. (and we were not employed by the orphanage! We just happened to live in the building - my parents and my brother!) We made it work somehow.

I thought community just happened. But it does not.

I am starting to think that I make community happen. Jodi, do you make community happen? Can you not find community, because you *are* the community?

I love your heart!

PS: And yes, I welcomed the new kids(s) on the block today. They will make their way - and leave me behind - just like the last time(s).

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Oh wow ! You lived in an orphanage with your parents, and they didn’t even work there? That’s got to be quite the story with some tales to go along with it!

There have been a few times, that, you’re right, I have made community. Also, I am tired. I have a new friend I had lunch with today - she plays viola in one of the orchestras. She brought me the music for our next concert. We had such a lovely lunch and she discovered we have a lot in common! So that’s cool! We are going to get together weekly now to learn the music together.

And I almost met a brand new friend for tea / coffee yesterday, but I am on a new medicine and my medicine had other thoughts. I felt horrible, but I had to cancel / reschedule for next week. She was super understanding about it. So I may have a new friend with her, too. That will be so nice!

Maybe, 2 years here, and I am finally finding some of my peeps. :)

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10 times by the time you turned 10? That’s a lot. Wow. And I had moved 5 times by the time I turned 10.

Glad to have met you & know be new friends! !

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Aug 15Liked by Jodi Rose Crump

Look at The Jell Collaborative with yet another thing in common 😳

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I went & looked & didn’t see anything yet. :)

I will check back. :)

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